Series: LEarn from the best

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Let Patrick Campbell deliver 1 incredibly high-leverage action directly into your Slack every week.

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Let Pat help you to action his 10 lessons from talking on Lenny's podcast

How it works

We've extracted the most useful talking points for PMs...

1 of 10 Topics


As one of the world's leading experts on the topic of retention, Pat explains the difference between strategic and tactical retention and lays out how you as a PM can move the needle in your org.

9 other incredibly useful topics covered including hiring, culture, pricing strategy, first-principles thinking, funnel metrics, and more.

...Then compacted them into pure "aha" moment insights


"Most PMs rarely focus on tactical retention"

Strategic retention:
Things like time to value, focussing on ICPs, customer-driven roadmaps, mission statements, etc.

Tactical retention:
Payment failures, plan/term optimisation, cancellation flows, off-boarding flows, etc.

"My hot take is that the majority of PMs are terrible at optimizing tactic retention.

Tactical retention usually makes up around 25% - 40% of churn, but with a couple of months of focus can be drastically improved"

- Patrick Campbell

...Then prescribed specific actions based on insight

Delivered directly into your Slack 😍

Pure Action

1-5 actions to try for every topic

Action 1
Let's gauge your current commitment to strategic and tactical retention with a couple of questions.

...We will tailor your actions based on how focussed you already are on retention.
Action 2
Implement a micro-survey into your off-boarding process. Ask 2 simple questions:

1. Why are you leaving us?
2. What did you like about the product?

...If you like, I can remind you to implement or brief this in next week?
Action 3
Make your finance team accountable for doing the legwork for tactical retention but help them with product-thinking and engineering resource.

...Here's how I'd approach that conversation and the sequence of next steps you should take...

...And then hold you accountable to achieving them

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Delivering a steady stream of professional development

Delivered directly into your Slack

Delivered to a place you'll actually take action.

Immediately actionable

No fluff, just a goldmine of pure action.

Made for Product Managers

100% created by and for Product Managers.

Small improvements, regularly

Treat yourself like your product.
Small, iterative tweaks to your daily ways of working.

Personal challenges

Hate asking peers for feedback? Let Pat train you on his best practice and hold you accountable to doing so.

Responses from Pat

Get your content and answers reviewed regularly.
Personal, contextual advice from Pat directly in your Slack.

10 topics covered in the most actionable way

Conflict resolution

Team & hiring

Pricing optimisation

Strategic & tactical retenation

Mission metrics

User research

Understanding customers

First-principles thinking

Local strategies

Middle of the funnel

How it works


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Connect your account and tell us what time and days of the week you'd like your actions.


Your program begins

The creator's program content is delivered directly into your Slack.


Training that noticeably useful

All content is designed to be immediately acted upon and that you'll look forward to receiving.

Frequently asked questions

Are you endorsed by Lenny's newsletter or Patrick Campbell?

No, we are not endorsed by Lenny and do not have a relationship with him (we'd love him to angel invest in our next round though). We're just huge fans and realised we ourselves were not actioning most of the advice we listened to.

We spoke to Patrick Campbell who has kindly given us permission to do this for his episode. :)

Can I suggest another episode for you to turn into actions?

Sure thing. Email Joe at and let's chat about it.

What is your product vision?

We believe that in the future, professional development will be democratized through a combination of AI and better tooling. Everyone will have their own personalized coach and access to digital mentors of their favourite educators and creators.

We're helping creators to set up and sell their program on Rocket Role. Their digital body doubles will be making money on their behalf, and they have the ability to interject and add value to the subscribers any time.

If you're a creator or educator wondering how AI can benefit you and your training business, then get in touch at We're revolutionising the industry.

Are you looking for investors?

We're collecting interest ahead of our pre-seed round later this year. If you're interested then please reach out (Lenny, I'm looking at you!)

Get in touch

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